——— This blog post features a gifted product. I only work with companies that I truly believe in and those that match my ethics and values. ———–
To kick off Fairtrade Fortnight this year I wanted to introduce you to an awesome podcast series that I’ve been listening to recently.
Fairtrade Fortnight is an annual celebration and awareness campaign for individuals and businesses to come together in learning about how we can all work and live in a more ethical, environmentally and fair way.
There is a particular focus on global producers that are fairtrade certified, showcasing their groundbreaking business models and working practices.
A great way to learn more about some really interesting and forward-thinking business leaders is by listening to the Cafedirect Building Better Business podcast.

Now in its second series, Building Better Business is a collection of informative and inspiring conversations between global thought leaders and the podcast host, CEO of popular British ethical pioneer coffee brand Cafédirect, John Steel.
If you consider yourself as a coffee fan, then I’m sure you will have come across Cafedirect already. But if the company sounds new to you then here’s an introduction…
Known as the first and largest fairtrade drinks brand in the UK, Cafedirect has been a strong driver in positive change through their dedication to doing business in an ethical, environmentally and socially responsible manner.
As well as being fairtrade certified, Cafedirect shares its profits with the grower communities that it buys from. So far this has resulted in over £7.4 million worth of support for their farmers.

If the name doesn’t already give it away, Cafedirect work directly with farmers and producers, involving them in key decision-making about the business as a whole. This ensures that the brand continues to benefit global producers, the environment and the business.
If only all businesses worked so harmoniously- Let’s encourage as many to take a leaf out of Cafedirect’s book as we can!
So let’s dive into the podcast-
Following a very successful first series which saw the podcast reach the top 25% of podcasts based on downloads, the second series focuses on empowering individuals to become part of a positive movement for change by thinking about and acting through their consumer choice.
Featuring guests such as Mike Berners-Lee, Zak Polanski and Lucy Reynolds, the podcast covers a whole range of topics including plastic, carbon reduction, deforestation and mass agriculture among many others.
Cafedirect recently conducted a survey in which they discovered that 96% of people think that businesses should be responsible for their environmental impact and 92% view companies as entirely or largely responsible for the welfare of people who produce their products. The podcast aims to provide listeners with a better understanding of the complexities of global issues in order to inform and inspire them to become active in the movement for positive change.
I only recently discovered this podcast so I still have a few episodes to listen to, but I was hooked as soon as I started listening to the first conversation. It’s so refreshing to hear business leaders and key environmental and social voices coming together to tackle some really big issues.
Often when you start your journey into sustainable living, the enormity of global issues can become quite overwhelming. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you cannot have enough of a positive impact as an individual, but this podcast is a great reminder that we are not alone in this fight.
Amongst the crowd of corporate giants, there are businesses of all sizes that are truly trying to do better, and together we can all do our bit to create a fairer, kinder and more positive future for all.

So I encourage you to grab a coffee (ideally a lovely fairtrade one!) and get yourself in a comfy spot to start listening to this awesome podcast series. Thank you to Cafedirect for posting some of their fairtrade delicious coffee beans to me- essential life support with a toddler in the house!
Let me know if you find a favourite episode, I’d love to hear what has inspired you or got you thinking. Happy listening!
Also, keep an eye on my Instagram and Facebook over the next fortnight as I share my favourite Fairtrade companies and products. If there was ever a time to support some really great and innovative companies then now is the time!